Rising and Wisening: Kundalini and Kali-Ki Reiki

Someone recently asked me if it was possible to experience kundalini while practicing reiki? My answer was a resounding “YES!”

Reiki energy as we know it in Kali-Ki Reiki is Kundalini Shakti—the energy and power of the Divine Mother. It is the very same energy that we call the Loveforce, the energy out of which all manifests and lives. A piece of that universal manifesting energy also resides within each and every one of us. That is called the loveforce or kundalini shakti. Thus, we refer to uppercase Loveforce or Kundalini Shakti as the universal energy and lowercase loveforce or kundalini shakti as the personal energy, or reiki, that energizes our subtle body.

In yoga, it is understood that the kundalini energy lies coiled and dormant at the root chakra (which is located at the base of your spine, just around the tailbone) until something “awakens” or triggers it into motion and it begins to rise through the system.  As kundalini rises, a person might experience unusual body tingling or jerking movements, feelings of electrical currents surging through the body, out of body experiences, or sudden mind-altering shifts in consciousness and perspective. These experiences may be accompanied by a pervasive sense of love and unified awareness underlying everything. In Kali-Ki Reiki, we call such an awakening the beginning of the “wisening” process, an evolving awareness of the Limitless Love, or Oneness, at the source of all being.


While kundalini awakenings are typically welcomed by the person who experiences them, there are times when the kundalini movement is so sudden, abrupt, and radical that it can create temporary disorientation or confusion. A person who suddenly and seemingly “out of the blue” perceives the world through a completely different lens may feel they are going crazy or that they no longer fit into their old identities and comfort zones. Such radical experiences are sometimes referred to as kundalini crises or kundalini emergencies and may require the guidance of a spiritually knowledgeable teacher, guide, or therapist. Reiki treatments can also help to mitigate extreme kundalini reactions.


Here, in a nutshell, is what happens. As one awakens, kundalini shakti ideally travels up the sushumna or central energetic channel of the energy body, with the intention of reaching the crown chakra (sahasrara) where personal and universal or cosmic energies will unite. However, such a full, direct rising is very rare. For most of us, the awakening kundalini energy encounters all sorts of obstacles in the subtle body on its upward journey. These blockages cause the energy to get stuck at various chakras and may also deflect kundalini shakti from the sushumna to other nadis or energy channels, from which it can never reach the crown. These obstacles are considered to be a result of karmas (the accrual of energetic residue and patterning in the subtle body as a consequence of either “negative” or “positive” actions performed) built up over lifetimes; thus, it can actually take lifetimes for the blockages to resolve. This is why it is understood that full kundalini awakening can be something that takes lifetimes of spiritual practice to complete. 


Any negative karma or trauma, either from this life or past lifetimes, is likely to leave energetic residue at various points, occluding the subtle body’s central channel and preventing a full kundalini rising. For example, a sexual trauma might lead to blockages in the pelvic chakra (svadhisthana) or in the heart chakra (anahata). Such blockages can lead to poor relationship choices that create further karmas and energetic imbalances. Spiritual practices such as meditation and chanting, as well as spiritually informed psychotherapy, can help to dissolve these blockages so that the kundalini is free to flow up the central energetic channel.


Through Kali-Ki Reiki, the Loveforce energy of Kundalini Shakti or Divine Mother works with the loveforce or kundalini within to clear and harmonize the chakras and the entire subtle body. When a kundalini rising is abrupt or uncomfortable, Kali-Ki Reiki can ease the process, making the effects of kundalini’s journey more gentle and gradual. While sudden breakthroughs can be exciting, Kali-Ki Reiki allows the system of someone with a kundalini experience to integrate what is happening in a more balanced and measured way. This allows for more gradual awakenings than what may occur in some spontaneous kundalini experiences. We find that wisening which happens over time offers greater stability and a more persistent sense of well-being.


Fully releasing karmic blockages is typically a gradual and life-long process that requires a dedicated meditation practice and consciously aware lifestyle. Kali-Ki Reiki can be especially supportive and effective in dissolving persistent karmic blockages. We find that the DROPPP Method (Deep Release of Persistent Pain Patterns) can be beneficial in releasing trauma induced karmic knots, as well as clearing ancestral karma. Kali-Ki Reiki practitioners also have found regular self-reiki practice to be beneficial in karmic clearing. Daily self-healing is a ritual cleansing of the energetic system, bathing you in the healing power and love of the Divine Mother and rinsing away any karmas that may been accrued during the course of a busy, stressful day.


Kali-Ki Reiki not only mitigates extreme and disruptive symptoms of a kundalini experience, but since the Loveforce employed in Kali-Ki Reiki is the energy of Kundalini Shakti, Kali-Ki Reiki can also trigger awakenings of the kundalini/loveforce within. Fortunately, the awakenings that occur with Kali-Ki Reiki are typically gradual and very positive. 


It is not unusual for someone who does not consider themselves to be on a spiritual path to begin to see the world in a whole new way after receiving reiki healing. Many people who come to the reiki table as skeptics regarding the healing power of reiki are stunned to find that their pain remits after a session in which nothing physical was done to them. Such experiences trigger them to begin to believe in a multi-dimensional universe that transcends time and space. Those who are intrigued by this new way of perceiving life may go on to study Kali-Ki Reiki where the wisening process continues. Each level of initiation into the symbols and methods of Kali-Ki Reiki provides openings to new levels of wisening and new kundalini awakenings.


So, yes, indeed, anyone who experiences Kali-Ki Reiki is also experiencing kundalini energy because they are one and the same. Although kundalini awakenings can be triggered by any number of things—including experiencing Kali-Ki Reiki—when we consciously practice Kali-Ki Reiki, our wisening gives us the knowledge that we are being held in the arms of the Divine Mother. Knowing that it is Her Loveforce that is flowing through us can make a rough ride much smoother until, eventually, we merge in the unitive Oneness of Limitless Love. You can trust that with Kali-Ki Reiki, as kundalini rises, you wisen.









Reiki and Reality