Frequently Asked Questions
In each of these brief videos, Rajashree Maa, Wisdom School Founder and Master Teacher, answers Frequently Asked Questions about Kali-Ki Reiki® and The Wisdom School.
We warmly invite you to experience a healing session, attend a class, and join our kula.
What is The Wisdom School?
Rajashree Maa welcomes you to The Wisdom School and invites you to partcipate in our healing practices that can awaken you to the wisdom and wholeness already within you.
What is Kali-Ki Reiki?
This video tells you about the origins of Kali-Ki Reiki, what it is, and how you can experience its healing and “wisening” benefits.
What Happens in a Kali-Ki Reiki Session?
Rajashree Maa describes what happens when you receive Kali-Ki Reiki either at distance or in person. She gives you an idea of what to expect when you schedule a healing.
Presence in Healing
Presence is essential in healing. It allows us to be completely attuned or aligned with the Soul Self within, and allows body, mind and spirit to come into their natural harmony.
What is Healing?
Healing, as we understand it, is coming into the wholeness of what we are and connecting to the changeless untouched source of our being. This affects us on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Can Anyone Be a Kali-Ki Reiki Healer?
Everyone has the inner capacity to become a reiki healer because we all share the same Loveforce energy. At the Wisdom School, we teach you how to become an effective healer without taking on any unwanted energies, and how to transmit the healing Loveforce to others.
What Does the Name Kali-Ki Mean?
Rajashree Maa explains that Ki is the Loveforce/Lifeforce in all of us. Kali stands for the energy of the Divine Mother who is creative and protective energy and who wants her children to heal into wholeness and awaken to the wisdom within.
Is Kali-Ki Reiki a Religion?
There is no dogma in Kali-Ki Reiki, yet it is definitely a transformation path of spiritual “wisening” or awakening.
What is Transformation of Consciousness?
When we experience wellness as a result of reiki loveforce, we begin to awaken to the realization that everything truly is energy, and that Kali-Ki Reiki loveforce energy can transform our consciousness as well as heal our bodies.
Our Programs and Classes
A brief description of our offerings and an invitation to join these transformational events.