Podcasts and Interviews

Enjoy these “wisening” and heartening interviews with Rajashree Maa about her life; her book “May the Loveforce Be With You”; Limitless Love; the Divine Feminine; Kali-Ki Reiki® Healing; and More.

POPULAR PODCAST HOST EMMA LYNN DOWD talks about how Rajashree Maa healed her mammoth headache!

They also discuss what is energy healing and its impact on the Chakras


Rajashree Maa discusses


DO JOY! with Lisa McCourt

Can the healing power of limitless love rise to cure the divisiveness and negativity that threaten to overwhelm our planet today? That’s what Lisa and her guest are counting on! Rajashree Maa (Joni Dittrich, Ph.D.) is an author, healer, psychologist, teacher of meditation, yoga philosophy, and holistic wellness who was blessed with a mystical experience that provided a tool for making the energy of limitless love accessible to us all. 

It is only through continual self-inquiry into our true divine nature that we begin to recognize and release the thoughts, identities, actions, and words that obstruct our full self-realization and manifestation. You’ll love the profound guided meditation in this beautiful episode!


Enlightened Leadership with Gina Gardiner

Rajashree Maa and Gina talk about everything healing and wisening in this lively conversation. Gina has been consulting with entreprenuers and women business owners for years. Let’s all become spiritual leaders!




Rajashree Maa was featured as an “Author We Love” on this special edition of “The Awakening World,” a video show hosted by Evolutionary Leader Scott Catamus, who invites his members to be part of a Global Peace Tribe. A kind of spiritual variety show, Scott airs at least two shows per week and features many luminous spiritual leaders.

Rajashree Maa appears three times on this show, offering a guided meditation, talking about Kali-Ki Reiki, and giving virtual healings for some people in the audience. This video is a great opportunity to directly witness how Kali-Ki Reiki works. And enjoy the other guests whose books and music can inspire us all.


Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing & "Wisening" through the Universal Loveforce Energy of the Divine Feminine

Join Rajashree Maa, Founder of Kali-Ki Reiki, Ariel Patricia, CEO & Founder of Sacred Stories, and Shiela Seppi of the Conscious Awakening Network as they discuss Kali-Ki Reiki as a channel for healing back to our innate state of wholeness and "wisening" or evolving consciousness.

Rajashree Maa illuminates why this "new" reiki lineage with the Divine Mother's dancing symbols of divine light was midwifed into the world at this present moment in time, a gift of grace from Her for all people who are open to receive it.

Rajashree Maa also invites us to "Breath with the Beloved" in a guided meditation, giving us the opportunity to unite the universal Loveforce energy of the cosmic Divine Mother with the piece of Her loveforce energy that resides in the deep heart and soul of us all, separation dropping away and reawakening us to who and what we truly are. Hamsa!


YOLANDA WILLIAMS AND RAJASHREE MAA talk on REIKI RADIO about Kali-Ki Reiki and how each of us must be open and find our own path to healing and wisening. Welcome to a wonderful conversation.


Endless Possibilities hosts Derek Duignam and Eva Muller talk with Rajashree Maa about Kali-Ki Reiki as both a Healing Path and a path to Spiritual Awakening or Wisening. Deep questions by the interviewers lead to a profound conversation.


Nathalie Jaspar and Rajashree Maa

In this lively conversation, a traditional Japanese reiki master and a master from the new lineage steeped in yoga and the Divine Feminine discuss the similarities and differences between the two paths.

The conclusion is that all true paths lead to the same One realization and Wholeness.


11:11 TALK RADIO features Rajashree Maa in dialogue with Simran:

Click below to listen to a profound conversation between Rajashree Maa and Simran, wisdom author of “Living”, “Being”, and “Knowing.” In this interview, Rajashree Maa explains some of the basic concepts of Kali-Ki Reiki’s “wisening” process in a whole new way.




(Click below to link to Superhumanize)

The Divine Feminine, A Method to “DROP” Chronic Pain, Reiki Healing, and the Breath of Limitless Love with Rajashree Maa

Welcome to another episode of Superhumanize, the podcast that explores the extraordinary potential within each of us. Today, we have an exceptional gues...


Brandee Safran interviews Rajashree Maa

Two Wise Women, longtime meditators and dear friends, talk about the importance of the Divine Feminine in empowering women’s live s and transforming our collective culture. Learn how Kali-Ki Reiki can help you discover the divine feminine power in yourself.

The Liberated Healer Podcast with Gina Cavalier and featuring Rajashree Maa

This is one of Rajashree Maa’s favorite interviews. Gina felt the symbols as she read the book and envisions May the Loveforce Be With You as a game-changer in consciousness for many, especially those seeking the energy of the Sacred Feminine.

Rajashree offers the Breathing with the Beloved Guided Meditation and talks about the significance of the Kali-Ki Reiki lineage in a way she seldom publicly shares. May the Loveforce Be With Us All.

SACRED FEMININE POWER PODCAST with Emmi Mutale and featuring Rajashree Maa

Rajashree Maa shares beautifully and graciously about the power and limitlessness of love; the collective impact of being attached to our individual identities as well as the profound journey that the sudden loss of her husband of 35 years took her on.

She goes on to talk about the essence and emergence of Kali-Ki Reiki; the sacred symbols that are an essential part of this lineage and the pivotal role Goddess Kali is playing in the collective wisening process that our planet is going through at the moment - and much more!  

Sense of Soul Podcast with Shanna Davra

Rajashree Maa and ‘spiritual sleuth’ Shanna share stories about their spiritual journeys with reiki, symbols, and the Divine Feminine. The wisening path is for those willing to venture into the unknown and the yet to be seen of multiple dimensions of awareness.

Book Launch: May the Loveforce Be With You

Humanity is at a crucial crossroads. How can we begin to heal ourselves, others and our planet? Experts discuss the importance of the Kali-Ki Reiki healing lineage in today’s world as Rajashree Maa’s new book, May the Loveforce Be With You - Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing Through Divine Mother & Yogic Wisdom, is launched worldwide to spread light on this very question.

Light on Light Press with Sacred Stories Publishing and the SINE Network - March 1, 2023.

Annalisa Derr of Journey to the Goddess TV Interviews Rajashree Maa

Ancient Feminine Wisdom With Modern Women

Enjoy this lively and engaging conversation about Kali-Ki Reiki between two devotees of the Divine Mother. Explore the importance of the Divine Feminine in today’s world and how healing and “wisening” through Her Loveforce can upshift our collective consciousness and bring peace to our planet.

Spiritual Support with Dr Sue

Interview with Dr. Sue Barnes, spiritual medium and coach

Rajashree Maa and Dr. Sue discuss Loveforce energy, life and death transitions, and how Kali-Ki Reiki helps us see our challenges as opportunities for spiritual wisening.