Teachers & Practitioners

Sudnya Maa/Sandra Lee

Certified Teacher-Practitioner

I feel like I was searching for the light before I was born. It is as if I sought that light from the darkness of my mother's womb.

As a professional artist, I enjoyed painting the physical light. But as I wisened spiritually, I understood that my true yearning was not for physical light, but spiritual “Light". Out of my desire for this light I began to mediate day and night. After many years of Zen Buddhist practice, I turned to the Self Realization Fellowship and have now been a devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda for over ten years. I have been teaching Ashtanga Yoga for 30 years.

When I found Kali-Ki Reiki in 2019, I felt the Loveforce permeate all my spiritual experiences and beliefs with healing and love. Kali-Ki Reiki brought my search for Light to fruition. For me, the Kali-Ki Reiki Symbols emerge from darkness and dance all around me.  They fill me with Light, Love and Bliss and I become the Loveforce of the Divine Mother.

I try to live ethically with compassion and love. I aspire for my students and clients to heal their wounded bodies and minds through Meditation and Pranayam (breath control.) I guide them from darkness and depression to Light, and from sorrow to joy. With Kali-Ki Reiki, they experience physical, emotional, and mental comfort. Like me, they find Peace and Limitless Love. My heart opens to anyone who asks for my help. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti


Schedule a Private Session or Class with Sudnya Maa

E-mail: sandraleegallery@gmail.com